Today I spent the morning in greenwich for the Christopher Esber presentation. This was my first presentation of the year, and I definitely found it unique. The models all appeared alienesque in the modern designs. The floor was covered in strange car parts, which added to the vibe. After photographing and writing an article about the collection (which you can check out here), I met up with a photographer and we shoot in Brooklyn, on the Subway, and over in Williamsburg. I absolutely LOVE Williamsburg! Getting there on the subway, Charlie asked me if my ears popped and i said yes, and he said it was because we were driving beneath the river. So crazy that a subway goes underneath a body of water! This Cali girl is definitely impressed! LOL
We got to shoot by the water (it was FREEZING and SO windy!). But I'm so stoked on the images we got :)
// Outfit Details // Click to Shop //
BLONDE Leather Jacket - Brunette The Label
Bag - Mahisi
Boots - Ego
Sweater - H&M New York
Sunnies - RAEN
Photography by Charlie Kaye
Location - Nyc Subway, and Williamsburg
// Shop Similar Styles //

Blue Bomber Jacket by Bare Anthology
Bag by - Mahisi
Leather Jacket - Brunette the Label
Peek at the Christopher Esber Presentation: