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Having some details worked out ahead of time for a first date will help relieve stress.

Learn from my tips for getting ready for a first date here.

First dates are likely to be very exciting, there’s no doubt about that. I’ll point out,

however, that they can also be a bit nerve racking. I assure you though, there are

ways to reduce the stress of readying yourself for a first date. After all, the aim is to

make it an enjoyable and memorable experience. Learn from my tips for getting

ready for a first date by reading below.

Be Well Prepared the Day Of

When the day of your date arrives, you’re wise to make sure everything’s still a go.

I’ve known plenty of people who’ve had plans canceled the morning of, including

myself. Call or text your date briefly to confirm everything the date is still on will

ensure you don’t waste your day. Also, check that you both know the exact time and

location of where you’re meeting. I always do a check on the GPS to make sure I

know how long it will take to get to the meeting place to arrive on time. Trust me,

arriving late never looks good! If the first date takes place at a restaurant, ask your

date about what food they like. I love recommending restaurants, but it pays to be

courteous and ask if there’s anything they don’t like, especially if they’re allergic


Give Your Place a Good Cleaning

I find it wonderful and reassuring to have a clean place to bring a guest home to. If

you both get the idea of going to your place after the evening out, you definitely don’t

want your home looking like a mess when your date walks in. In my experience, first

impressions say everything about a person. Give yourself enough time to do a good,

thorough cleaning. I’ve found these occasions a great motivation to organize, clean,

and spice the place up a bit!

Make Sure You Have a Way To Pay

I accepted long ago that a fun-filled evening likely requires some money. And why

not? A great date is an opportunity to live a little. Have enough money on you, no

matter what. Even if your date choses to cover the bill, having money shows

responsibility. We all appreciate generosity in a person. I’ve been on dates where we

decided to split the bill, which works out perfectly fine as well.

Look Your Best

The last of my tips for getting ready for a first date is simple: look your best. Get an

outfit picked out ahead of time to make getting ready less stressful. Choose

something to wear that’s attractive, but also suits you. If you also want to do your

nails, choose your favorite color polish. I enjoy getting creative with this, such as

looking up what your nail color says about you for some unique, personal ideas. This

can add to the fun of the two of you getting to know each other. Hopefully, this will

give you the confidence to give yourself and your date the evening you deserve!


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